printrbot GO – suitcase belts and signature panel

Since before I even owned the GO! (v.1), I had a vision in my mind about turning it into a steampunk steamer trunk kinda thing, and critical to that vision were suitcase belts. I can't imagine  a single feature (well, in addition to darkly stained wood) that says "olde timey" like leather belts up the sides of a piece of a luggage, so I knew I needed to get something like that working for me at some point. I got held up for some time on the idea of finding straps that were actually designed Read more [...]

printrbot GO – the box (part two)

So I've gotten totally out of sync between the building and the writing.  I guess that's what happens when you obsess over one and neglect the other, so let me try to catch up a little bit. There were a few critical pieces missing from the kit as received.  Most critically, the Z couplers were nowhere to be found.  These are the pieces that connect the shafts on the motors for the Z axis to the threaded rods that move the entire X assembly (and extruder) up and down.  Essentially, you Read more [...]

how I decided on the printrbot GO

When I decided I simply had to get a 3d printer of my very own, my first instinct was to get a Makerbot. They are probably the most widely publicized and hence best known consumer grade 3d printer available and you can simply stroll down to their NoHo store and walk out with one under your arm (well, figuratively anyway). They are reportedly very easy to use thanks to being preassembled and calibrated and coming with some easy to use software. There's a lot to like here. After reading the Read more [...]