printrbot GO – shootout and new holsters

This post is long overdue so may be scant on details, but I wanted to recount a fun duel a friend and I organized between my printrbot and his Makerbot. He is a horologist (like myself) and interested in exploring 3d printing for watch and clock components and had just recently picked up a Replicator 2 and begun playing with it and I was pretty impressed with the prints he was able to spit out with very little tweaking (from my perspective anyway).  It prints in PLA only and has A LOT of the Read more [...]

how I decided on the printrbot GO

When I decided I simply had to get a 3d printer of my very own, my first instinct was to get a Makerbot. They are probably the most widely publicized and hence best known consumer grade 3d printer available and you can simply stroll down to their NoHo store and walk out with one under your arm (well, figuratively anyway). They are reportedly very easy to use thanks to being preassembled and calibrated and coming with some easy to use software. There's a lot to like here. After reading the Read more [...]

3DEA open house (the place where dreams get unsettled). Oh, and a Makerbot!

I've been fascinated by 3d printing technology for some time, but the tipping point was reached for me when I visited the 3DEA open house in NYC after getting the heads up from a coworker.  I went a few times in fact and picked up the Make magazine "Ultimate Guide to 3d Printing" issue, something that deserves a post of its own.  I also took a 3d modelling/design class with my wife on my third visit, something that was memorable because I was with my wife. 'Nuff said about that. Here's Read more [...]