how I decided on the printrbot GO

When I decided I simply had to get a 3d printer of my very own, my first instinct was to get a Makerbot. They are probably the most widely publicized and hence best known consumer grade 3d printer available and you can simply stroll down to their NoHo store and walk out with one under your arm (well, figuratively anyway). They are reportedly very easy to use thanks to being preassembled and calibrated and coming with some easy to use software. There's a lot to like here. After reading the Read more [...]

On the Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing

Make: magazine is about making stuff.  Apparently there are enough folks out there who think of themselves as "makers" to justify an honest-to-god paper magazine (remember those?). I make stuff all the time, but mostly watchmaking tools (too niche) and have honestly not paid attention to this magazine outside of the odd article on the web. I have nearly worn out the Winter 2013 edition however. It is dedicated to everything 3d printing and I've been reading, re-reading and re-re-reading the various Read more [...]